Monday, October 25, 2010


I really like twitter.  I think its cool how you can hear what anybody has to say the moment they say it, so my problem isnt with twitter but its with the interface.  If you have ever used twitter then chances are that you have used the search bar.  For this example lets say you want to find Shaq O'Neill.  So when you type something into the search bar, like Shaq, and press enter you expect Shaq to be the first result.  Thats not the case however.  Twitter default makes you search for tweets that contain the word you searched for.  So instead of getting Shaq's page you get the most recent post that has Shaq in it.  If you want to search for people you have to click on the people tab.  Now if you  want to search for another person you type the name in press enter and it returns you to the tweet page.  If you are already on the person tab then your search should return people and not tweets.
An even worse problem is with the mobile twitter.  There are no tabs.  So if you want to add someone to who you follow then you better hope your near a computer because you cant do it from your phone.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I think the web twitter is not the best interface for searching users. I mainly use a third party app both for PC and mobile to go around it.
